Three Popular Reads: Key Takeaways for Teachers

As an educator, school holidays provide a precious opportunity to step back, recharge, and dive into some of the pleasures you don’t have time for during the term. For me, that’s reading.

The following three books are some of the most read books in the world of leadership and education. Here are my bite-sized summaries of these enlightening reads, each offering valuable insights for educators and leaders alike.

Creative Schools by Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica, The 5:00 AM Club by Robin Sharma, and The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

Book Review: Passion, Guts, and Leadership

Term 4, 2012, marked a significant turning point in my life. As an 11th-year secondary school teacher, I had the joy of welcoming our daughter into the world with my wife Rachel, who is also an educator. After much consideration, we decided that Rachel would return to work full-time while I would take on the role of the stay-at-home dad.

Now, those who work in secondary schools know that part-time teacher timetables are the hardest things to create, so I was not going to be able to get the 2 straight days I was after. Enter Deborah Patterson.

So now what happens?

Now I am sure that many schools across the country have had the same conversation after their respective lockdown periods. Every faculty and pastoral meeting would have had it on the agenda. Lists would have been made and Principal Executive teams would have collated the feedback. The question…. what are our Lessons from Lockdown?