Book Review: Screen Schooled

During a time when students (and teachers) are online more than ever, Joe Clements and Matt Miles’ book, Screen Schooled, could not be more relevant. They challenge our reliance on digital devices in the classroom and encourage educators to reflect on our practices.
What holiday teacher are you?

As teachers in Australia settle into the third week of their summer holidays, all of them will be treating the break differently. While some will have completely left the classroom behind, others will be reading this article while planning for 2021.
So, what type of ‘Holiday Teacher’ are you?
The students have gone quiet

Is it just me or do schools sound different since the return of students from remote learning? There seems to be a hush about the place. A volume that classroom walls are not a custom to hearing.
I thought maybe it was just my school, however after conversations with fellow Victorian colleague’s, and my wife who is also a teacher, it seems fairly common across schools
1 Second Everyday: A year in the life of a teacher

In 2018, when I was in my previous role as Head of Performing Arts, I took on the goal of filming myself at school for 1 second everyday.
This project served a few purposes. For me personally it was form of journaling and a great tool for reflection at the end of the year. For my school, it was a great way to promote what we do in the performing arts, and as teachers in general.
Book Review: Work Wellbeing: Leading thriving teams in rapidly changing times

I know it’s obvious to say, but the 2020 workplace, like everything else in 2020, looks very different to any other time in living memory. Busy offices and staff rooms have been transported to employee’s study’s and kitchens. The Coronavirus has changed the way we work and will have an impact moving forward.
Article: School ‘refusers’ thriving in remote learning environment

Here in Melbourne we are entering week 20 of remote learning. While it has become second nature and I feel I am getting better at it, and as I wrote about in a previous blog, I still miss having myself students with me in a classroom. However there are some students who would be more than happy to stay at home.
A guide to Musical Theatre in Schools

I have been producing musicals in schools for around 15 years, and it’s one of the highlights of my year! The joy in students faces as they come off stage after a show is all the reward you need after spending a year planning, rehearsing and executing the show. In the future I share some of my favourite musicals, those that I have been involved with, along with those I have seen.
Teaching and the virus ?

Like many teachers around the world, I have spent most of 2020 teaching remotely. Talking to my computer screen, day after day, has become my new normal. In fact, I am struggling to remember what it is like to teach in the classroom.